Rocklands, the land of perfect rocks
Rocklands is a South-African world-class bouldering destination that I’ve been eager to visit for a long, long time! This year finally came the opportunity and I didn’t think twice.
I got a great deal on a TAAG (Angola Airlines) flight and despite some pitfalls on the way, me, David and our crashpads manage to arrive Cape Town in one piece! 🙂
We quickly picked a car and headed to Traveller’s Rest Farm on the Cederberg mountains to meet the rest of the crew: Pena, Papa, David Antunes, Ilja, Markus and Babeta!
Rocklands is undoubtedly the best bouldering spot I’ve been so far. The rock, the moves, the endless potential, the backdrop, the people, the food, the weather, etc… to summarize in one line: everything is just flawless and in the right place!
The only drawback is returning home leaving so many great lines to attempt…
Here are some of the shoots I did using an old Mamiya 645 film camera!!

Rocklands, a place where dreams came true!

Iconic stone buttes decorate the surreal landscape of the Pakhuis Pass.

André Papa having a blast on ” Creaking Heights” – 6c, at the Roadside Boulders area.

Pena hanging on the “Colin The Librarian” – 7a, at the Fortress area.

A crimping 7c problem at the Fortress.

Papa on “Confusion Rains”, a nice 6a+ on the Armed Response boulder.

Ilja warming up on “Let It Die” – 6c, at the Far Plateau area.

Papa on the super cool “Running Out Of” – 6c, at the Arch Plateau. This sector is full of great lines!!

Pena on the amazing “Whiteness the Sickness” – 8a. Oh men, those slopers…

View of some of the sport climbing walls at the Fortress sector.

Amazing sandstone, with crazy textures and colors! Next time I’ll bring the rope for sure…

David Teles working on the moves of “La bowling Ball” – 7a, at the Fortress.

The distinctive shape of “Roof Is On Fire” – 6c+, at the Roadcrew boulders.

“Cedar Spine” – 7b+, for sure one of the best aretes in the world!

David Antunes on a great 6c, “Orange Heart”, at the Roadcrew sector.

View of the valley, where the road leads to the rest of The Pass sectors.

Peculiar rock formations providing striking silhouettes as nightfall.

Pena going airborne on “Hole in One” – 7c+, at the Plateaus.

Hannah Midtbø sending “Tea with Elmarie” – 8a+ at the Kliphuis Campground. Impressive ascent!

Hannah solving “Ron Ron Caramel” – 7c+, on the same area.

David warming up on a very cool and aesthetic boulder.

Pena on the same problem! Jugs all the way and exit on the characteristic “chicken heads”!!

Pena sending the amazing “Ulan Bator” – 7b+, on the Roadcrew area.

David working on his project!

Overview of the Pakhuis Campground areas from the stone terraces.

These natural sculptures made by Mother Nature inspire me all the way!

Intricate rock formations, a beautiful delight for our senses.

Exploring the stone terraces of the plateau areas!

Ilja on the “Esoterrorist” – 7a, Arch Valley.

Markus trying “Arch Babysitter” – 7b+, Arch Valley sector.

Papa on the amazing moves of “Sex Etiquette” – 6c, Arch Valley.

The Kliphuis valley vista.

“Captain Morgan” – 7b, one of the many great lines found at the Fields of Joy area.

Climbing with this view, what a joy!

David Antunes on a very aesthetic arete!

Pena cruising the “Girl On Our Mind” – 6b+ on the Middle Plateau area.

Pena sending a nice crimping line, “Rooi Klavier” – 7c, at the Roadcrew sector.

The crew at the Traveller’s Rest Daisy cottage!

A gecko mimics the rock surface to get dissimulated.

On a rainy day we went to visit Elands Bay beach.

Rocklands is just 60km away from this beach, a well known surf destination.

The dudes posing with style! 🙂